Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Once You've Gone YAK You'll Never Go Back!

Let's be clear - it's a Nanchang, not a YAK.  CJ-6As
were built in the late 1950's and early 60's for the
Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force 
“Have you ever used a parachute?”

I quickly realized this was a real question and not just fun conversation when my off-the-cuff answer didn't go over big.

The real answer was "no".

"Okay, in case of a catastrophic event...", and that's when I decided to shut up and listen.  I was, after all, about to knock something off my Bucket List.  I should probably pay attention to the man flying the plane.  The pilot in command and professional pilot, David Gagliardi, is all business even on the fun flights - safety is his number one priority.

First came the life vest, then the parachute.

"Pull on the D-ring and your parachute will deploy.  Try to land on your feet with your legs slightly bent.  You'll probably get injured but it beats the alternative."

"Headset off, canopy back, right hand on D-ring, left hand unlatches the seat belt.  Once clear of the airplane deploy the parachute.  Keep your right hand on the D-ring.  The truth is that with the canopy open, once you unlatch that seat belt you'll get sucked right out of the plane so you don't want to be flailing around looking for the D-ring."  But only in the case of catastrophic event.

Head set, canopy, D-ring, seat belt.  Head set, canopy, D-ring, seat belt.  When do I do my life vest?  I guess when I hit the water.  No.  Maybe before I hit the water would be a better idea.  Got it.

I can barely practise stalls and spins in a little Cessna without a sore jaw from clenching my back teeth - I should have been scared right?  The truth is that even though I think David's entire safety briefing will be forever tattooed on my brain, the second that propeller started to turn I was completely comfortable.  That day that seat had my name on it.  I was the happiest girl in town.

It's an interesting experience to have total trust in the person you're flying with.  Even more interesting is when the guy you're flying with is in another airplane at about your two o'clock, or eleven o'clock, or right above or below you.  When I woke up that morning, my only real plan for the day was to have lunch at the flying club.  I didn't expect to be the beneficiary of a spontaneous "YAK Flight" with "the Nanchang Guys" and never in a million years did I dream that I was about to be introduced to the fine art and incredible discipline of formation flying.

I swear I could see the smile on Mike's face.
The "Nanchang Guys" are sort of the rocks stars of the Victoria Flying Club.  They don't know it and would never admit it.  Everyone loves to watch those guys fly.  The reason I was lucky enough to have that opportunity that day was because one of the club members had asked to chat with them about an article she wanted to write for our club magazine, The Patrician.  She was feeling a little bit shy about asking them for some time but because I don't have a shy bone in my body, I brazenly asked on her behalf.  A while later when David Gagliardi and Mike Sudul announced that they had received clearance from their respective ATC's and we were on for a flight that afternoon I was completely stunned and Marie was flabbergasted!

I received another surprise at the pre-flight brief.  I learned that for some of the flight we would be flying the fighting wing formation so that I would have the opportunity to fly.  I am sure I just smiled and nodded.  I might have raised a brow, but inside my entire body went: "WHHHAAAAATT?!"  You know that dance the football guys do when they score a touchdown.  That's what I was doing in my mind.

What I learned was that fighting wing is a good way to help the wing man (woman) gain experience in formation flying.  The wing man stays within 30 to 60 degrees of the lead and mirrors the lead.
Fighting Wing Formation

Formation flying takes a great deal of concentration and practise.  Because I was a newebie, I had been so focused on flying the airplane that I forgot about flight integrity.  That is, maintaining proper relative position to the lead.  

Lucky for me I was reminded when David said: "Turn to your left.  No, your other left.  You've got to keep your eye on the lead at all times."  It's funny how I instinctively wanted to stay clear of the other plane.

After we transferred control of the plane back to David, and he was satisfied that the transfer was complete by seeing my hands in the air in his mirror, David and Mike had some fun.  And I kept my eye on them.  They were teaching me that in formation flying cockpit visibility is key.  They communicate with hand signals, head nods and wing waggles.  They flew in parade formation which is a tight formation as if the wings are welded together and the two airplanes fly as one.  It felt as close as sitting in traffic and looking at the car next to you.  I really could see the smile on Mike's face.  Marie was beaming!

Coolest Pilot Ever - David
As I watched the way these men fly I was absolutely filled with respect.  It's not just because these men were trained by former Snowbird pilots either.  Maybe it's their level of experience or their confidence, but you can see "it" in them.  Excellence.  Man, these guys are Pilots with a capital "P"!  And anyone who is a pilot knows what I am talking about.

People keep asking me what my favorite part was.  I would say that it was the Sierra Hotel break before landing but the truth is that it was all my favorite part!  My happiness could not be contained.  Before the debrief I received another surprise, because David is a Class Superstar Flight Instructor I got to log the time!  Yeah Baby!

I was so stoked that after my flight I declared to anyone who would listen in Starbucks that I was going to make a movie!  And I did - and you can watch it.  My first time ever using Windows Movie Maker.  I had so many firsts that day!

So here's to David and Leah, Mike, Ron, Chris, and Brad - the "Nanchang Guys"!  If I have missed one of that gang of do-gooders then it's because either I am really dense or I haven't met them yet, but I hope to meet them soon.  I hope there's room for one more - I've got me a new dream!

Marie and Mike
I can't wait to read Marie's Patrician article!
Looks good on me right?
Ron in Delta Lima Zulu
This plane is not a Nanchang - but
this guy flies one.